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Obesity is a serious issue and affects people of every age and gender. To compound the problem, obesity can be seen in adolescents and even very young children. Over 58 million people are overweight in the US alone and this figure is staggering as it is and this is continually increasing every year! The statistic translates to the number of people who are going to acquire diabetes and fatal heart diseases. Is exercise the way out of obesity?

How Does Exercise Help in Weight Loss?

That exercise and fat loss go together is a fact. When a person gains extra pounds and does nothing to get rid of this, the fat stays in the body becomes fat cells. The fat cells explain the weight gain. Dieting and other methods can help get rid of this unwanted body fats, but nothing sheds pounds quicker and more effectively than exercising. Exercise and other vigorous physical activities help the body burn the stubborn fat and calories.

Of course, the body needs fats and calories to survive, but only a certain amount is needed for daily bodily functions. When a person takes on more fats and calories, the excess is then stored by the body for future use. But, without exercise and other activities, the stored energy will add up and increase in time.

During exercise, the body burns the calories and to make up for the loss, the body converts the fat to make up for the used up calorie. The more you exercise, the more fat is converted to calories, which in turn is burned by the body for energy to keep it going during the rigorous activity.

Other Benefits of Exercise

Exercise does more than lose ugly body fat; it also has other healthy benefits both physically and mentally. Here are a few reasons why exercise and Fat loss are inseparable:

* Regular exercise tones, develops, and strengthens all the muscles in the body.

* With exercise, the body faces minimal risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, and osteoporosis.

* The risk of having a stroke is reduced.

* Recent studies have also shown that exercise can be effective against cancer.

* It can also help improve the self-esteem of an individual.

* Exercise has been proven to release endorphins that are responsible for the mood of an individual. This is why after exercising, people generally feel good about themselves.

Misconceptions about Exercise

Some people believe that too much exercise can be fatal; this is not entirely true. There is only a small basis supporting this fact. However, for an individual with a heart condition, exercising may lead to heart failure; it is advisable refrain from undergoing excessively vigorous physical activities unless advised by a physician.

A lot of people also think that muscle transforms to fat when exercising is stopped. Actually, what seems to be fat is not 100% fat. Those so called muscles-turned-to-fat are still muscle tissues but are now combined with body fat due to the lack of regular exercise.


That exercise and fat loss should always be an equal equation in the fight against obesity has never been disputed. Exercise still the best way to get rid of fat but get medical advice before hitting the gym or pounding the pavement.

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